
Purpose of the program:

Visual and statistical overview of the logged drill hole for clear interpretation. All data will be displayed accordingly, without need of adaptation.

The program is meant to be used as a tool to help notice any mistakes made such as: incorrect rock type/alteration inputs, missed or overlapping QA/QC samples.

The final version of the program was developed as part of a thesis project at LTU.
Special thanks to thesis supervisor Tobias Bauer.

For Windows and MacOS.

Instructions to run the program:

1. Unzip the compressed file.

2. Run the executable file within \dist and preferably create a shortcut to it.

3. Windows will warn about "unknown publisher" the first time opening it (The software has to be signed by Microsoft to get that removed) Click read more > Run anyway.
Full scan report:

4. Terminal window will open for you to specify which columns to be read from a .csv file.

5. If you wish to plot another drillhole the previous data has to be cleared beforehand.